Thursday, August 20, 2009

teething pain

Makenna is teething again! She has four teeth on the bottom and is getting her two top teeth on the top, as I said before, I know. BUT that is on my mind right now. It is so aggravating to try everything and nothing helps. This morning she woke up at 5 am screaming :( I laid there for awhile listening to her and I could tell she was in pain. Typically we let her cry herself back to sleep, and we will not go in her room until at least 6am. I knew, if I didn't go in she was going to cry for about the whole hour. So, I went in and grabbed her and tried to nurse her back to sleep. That didn't work, so I gave some Tylenol and her pacifier. That still didn't work, we had a grumpy baby on our hands. Finally Brandon gets the gas relief thinking maybe that would do something. It did for about 2 minutes and then the screaming began again. UGHHH. By this time it is about 5:45 so I finally just put her on her tummy on our bed and rubbed her back and she was out. She slept til 7:30! Normally I do not put her on her tummy, a big no no, but that was what she needed. After the teeth break through then she is fine but getting past that point is so tough. Ahh, the joys of parenting.

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