Saturday, October 18, 2008

I am getting political!

As the election gets closer and closer I am interested more and more in the 2 candidates. I have never cared like I do this year, and I am not sure why all of a sudden I am caring but something is getting my attention. I think it is videos like this. Please take the time to watch and educate yourself! I think we all want a leader that stands behind America and Barack Obama doesn't seem like the answer. Please watch and pass!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ok, It kinda is really any day now!!

Yesterday I had my doctor's appointment and after talking about all the pressure and cramping I am having the Doctor finally decided to examine me. I am already dilated to 2 centimeters and he can feel the baby! He said I probably will not make it to 40 weeks. BUT if I went now he would do everything in his power to stop the labor. I need to make it at least 1 more week but preferably 2 weeks and then I would be ok. It is crazy how fast time went by. I cannot believe that in 4 weeks or less, Brandon and I will have another member to our family! Weird!