Thursday, March 26, 2009

I tried something new today!

For those of you who really know me, I normally do not try new things. I like my normal routine and normal foods but something at the grocery store caught my attention. Star fruit. It caught my attention because it was on sale. I love anything on sale so I thought I would try it. Kayle loves fruit but she is also picky. Well, I cut it open, (I had to read directions on how to do that), and then got all the seeds out and tried a tiny bite. To me a tiny bite is ok just in case it is not so good. I was pleasantly surprised. It reminded me of an apple mixed with a pear I guess. Kayle didn't want to eat it but was really amused with the shape. I am shocked that I would give it a chance but glad I did.

Friday, March 20, 2009

My thoughts

I have not written in awhile, busy with other things I guess... Life :) We sold our house and close on the 30th. It is very exciting but also a little sad. This home is where our children were born, celebrated holidays, and began our Navy life. So many memories! I am excited for the next phase of our life though. Monterey, CA here we come. New adventures and new memories.

I have also started (again) to potty train Kayle. Except this time it is for good, I am sure of it. She has been doing great and really loves to please her mommy. I love to watch her get excited about doing her business. It is not a fun process though, very tedious and constant monitoring. Well worth it though to get her out of diapers hopefully.

I don't know what else is going on. Life is good though :)