Thursday, August 13, 2009

Getting back into the swing of things

As I was just reminded about my lack of blogging I thought I should do it now before I put it off another three months. Since my last post a lot has changed. We moved, Kayle has started preschool, Makenna has four teeth, (and is getting two top teeth), and we have gone through a dog and now have a kitten. So with all of that where do I start... No clue. I guess maybe first I should start with the move and then go from there.

Our move went great, no problems. You take a chance when you have the Navy move you but thankfully we didn't have any issues. Our stuff arrived on time and all together with a few minor things broken that I didn't care about. Kayle and Makenna did great in the car. Brandon and I are very lucky to have kids that travel well since we will be doing it the rest of our life! During the last 30-40 minutes of our traveling Makenna would get fussy but the big sister Kayle would step in for us! She laughed (and you have to hear it, it is something I cannot describe) and Makenna would stop crying and focus on Kayle. It worked like a charm every time!!

Anyway, we are settled in now I guess, although Brandon and I still have not done anything to our bedroom which bugs me but that is another story. Every other room is done and put together. Maybe someday I will post pictures. We love it here and are so thankful everyday that the Navy is paying us to live here and allow Brandon to have a stress free two years before going back to the fleet. Come and visit us, we have a tiny room with a bed for guests.

With that, I promise to write more, it is a pinky promise!! :)

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