Sunday, February 24, 2008

Feeding a picky child

So Kayle is extremely picky and also has to take medicine for an acid reflux. FUN. She goes through periods of eating certain things at a time. For instance, she used to only eat cheese and grapes. Now she really only wants oranges and pretzels, oh yeah and anything with ranch but tons of ranch! Well, yesterday at lunch time Kayle wanted another orange and Brandon and I said no, (Well actually I said no, I can't blame my husband for this one), but I gave her potato chips instead of an orange. I thought, she is eating something different and then Brandon said, "We just gave her chips instead of an orange". Yup, that is kinda messed up I guess.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I love it! I cannot wait to read more about your life being a mother and interesting things you see and do everyday! Kids make life interesting (I only know this from being a nanny) :-)