Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Mom song

I thought this was quite amusing... I laughed watching just thinking about the future.

And since I am having trouble uploading it onto here, click the link :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

life now

I know I have not written anything in awhile. Life is super busy, juggling 2 kids and trying to keep the house organized. I love it but it is hard to get used to when it was just Kayle and myself. Throwing in a newborn mixes things up quite a bit.

My life right now is really about cleaning up poop, feeding all the time, doing loads of laundry, and still cleaning the house and cooking dinner. Sometimes I get a nap in but not as often as I would like. Eventually I will write more. Makenna just woke up... back to feeding :)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I am getting political!

As the election gets closer and closer I am interested more and more in the 2 candidates. I have never cared like I do this year, and I am not sure why all of a sudden I am caring but something is getting my attention. I think it is videos like this. Please take the time to watch and educate yourself! I think we all want a leader that stands behind America and Barack Obama doesn't seem like the answer. Please watch and pass!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ok, It kinda is really any day now!!

Yesterday I had my doctor's appointment and after talking about all the pressure and cramping I am having the Doctor finally decided to examine me. I am already dilated to 2 centimeters and he can feel the baby! He said I probably will not make it to 40 weeks. BUT if I went now he would do everything in his power to stop the labor. I need to make it at least 1 more week but preferably 2 weeks and then I would be ok. It is crazy how fast time went by. I cannot believe that in 4 weeks or less, Brandon and I will have another member to our family! Weird!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

One step closer

Kayle has begun sitting on the toilet just to get use to the feeling and today she finally made some progress! She peed!!! I was so excited and so was she, we ran to the kitchen and she got her treat. We have been talking about her sucker for weeks now. She knew what she had to do to get it and she was so proud of herself. I gave her the sucker and told her why she was getting it and and she exclaimed with such joy, "YES!!". I am so proud of my little girl, I can only hope it continues now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I am a mom

Last night Kayle pooped in the bath tub. I remained calm while Brandon freaked out and grabbed Kayle and escaped. I was left in there trying to get the stuff out of the tub. Washcloths were not working so I grabbed poop with my bare hands and flushed it down the toilet. Yes, I am truly a mom.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

32 Weeks

I think I have reached that magical number in pregnancy where I realized how little time is left in my pregnancy. I have 8 weeks left til my due date which means I could have this baby in as little as 6 weeks. That is REALLY soon. I am really excited and ready though.

My Mom was here visiting for 2 weeks and during that time she helped me prepare for things and get my mind on track. Kayle now has a big girl room which is super cute!
During her visit, Brandon and I also toured the hospital where I will be delivering at this time. Different doctor means different hospital :( Brandon said the hospital tour was what made it real for him. I am carrying this big belly around, I know it is real! Anyways, we have Kayle's room finished and we put together the crib and placed it in our room and made a baby area. Our closet was taken over too... big changes for such a little addition but SO worth it.
Now that I am 32 weeks pregnant, Makenna weighs around 3 pounds and continues to grow everyday. She is starting to practice her breathing and her constant flipping around has seemed to slow down slightly although she is still a very active baby! She is comfortable really low and almost in my back pretty much. That makes for very uncomfortable days and walking. I think I definitely have the waddle walk with this pregnancy. BUT again, all this pain and interrupted sleep is SO worth it!!

Friday, August 22, 2008


I am so happy at where I am in my life. I am truely blessed to have a wonderful husband and pretty well behaved daughter. Even though she is at the terrible age of two I think Brandon and I are lucky at how much she listens to us! I know she will be a wonderful BIG sister.

Kayle is constantly doing this to my belly. We tell her all the time that her baby sister is growing inside and to be gentle. For the most part she is a gentle two year old, atleast to my belly. I love watching her grow and explore new things. Her new words are 'your welcome', 'gotcha ya', and 'thank you'. Those are spontaneous words now and it is so nice to hear!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tim is coming home

I am so excited for our friends Tim and Zoe. In about 2 hours they will reconnect again after a 6 month deployment. Homecoming's are one of the best things about being in the military! It is one of the most exciting feelings in the world and I am so happy for them today!! Kayle and I will be there to share in the excitement too of course but anyways, welcome back Tim!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Spelling change

We have decided to change Mckenna to Makenna. It makes more sense this way and hopefully she will not have name problems when older :) Also, an update on Kayle... we no longer have to sit in her room and wait for her to fall asleep! It is great, once again we can lay her in bed, say goodnight, and leave the room. She falls asleep without a peep and we shut the door as we go to bed. YEAH!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The final few months

I am towards the end of the pregnancy already! Well, kinda... I am past the half way mark. I am now 24 weeks pregnant, crazy how fast time goes by! Brandon and I have finally started thinking about what the new baby needs. We need to get a new stroller, again, I feel like I just got a new one for Kayle! We also need to rearrange some furniture and get Kayle a new bed! Anyways, that is besides the point, kinda. The new baby, Mckenna :), is weighing in at approx. 1 pound. She has all her organs and at this point will continue to gain weight and make progress on her ever changing body. She is also beginning to open her eyelids and her brain is starting to develop reflexes. This is the most amazing thing in the world to me and I just love to share it! I looked online for some good images and had a hard time. These are two that I found interesting.

I am awful at trying to make the pictures look perfect but you get that idea. I decided to put a picture up of how Mckenna looks in me, weird to some, interesting to others maybe. Sorry if I have grossed you out :) Mckenna is on the bottom of my uterus and the placenta is on the top so I get kicked in really interesting places :) It is uncomfortable at times but at least I feel the movement. That is something I look forward to feeling for a few reasons but mainly I like knowing that she is still alive. Hopefully these next few months go as well my previous months went!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Kayle's first hair cut!

My little girl's hair has been driving me crazy. I also think it has been driving her crazy so I decided it was time to do some cutting! We walked into Pigtails and Crewcuts and got right in. They asked me what I wanted to do with her hair. My response was, "I have no idea". All I knew was I wanted it a little less poofy and out of her eyes. Sometimes her curls get a little crazy. The hair stylist said we could give her a Halo layer... ok, whatever just make sure it is cute! Well, Kayle sat in her taxi car seat still as can be. She made me proud! Approximately 10 minutes later Kayle was done and had a big smile on her face! A successful trip!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Love the navy

OK, maybe not the navy but I love the fact that it might be possible that Brandon's aegis combat system on his ship helped in giving us a girl. Navy folks talk about how more girls are born when compared to boys, when their father's are on board an aegis system combat ship. No clue why nor do I care. I am so happy we are having a girl. I love my little girl and I am so happy to have another one. Now, we are in the process of picking out names. Fun stuff.

Oh yeah, and update on potty training and sleeping: Potty training is going nowhere because I have been to lazy to focus on it myself. Sleeping is getting better, however, Brandon or I still sit in the room at night until she falls asleep :( BUT she is sleeping through the night.

Monday, June 2, 2008

correction to last post

The pictures got rearranged when I posted that. The Outlook is still the first picture but the Sienna is second and the Odyssey is on the bottom.

Need your opinions :)

With the second baby approaching faster that I can imagine, we have been scoping out new cars. I want a car that has 3 rows and DVD ability built in. Those are the musts for me. Brandon has his own wishes too, but I of course will be driving the car the most and using the functions. So, being the wonderful husband he is, he says it is by choice but has influenced my decisions a little. I have dilemmas with the 3 top choices. First, we were thinking of either a Toyota Sienna or Honda Odyssey. What I like about the vans is the seating arrangement inside. The 2 single seats and a row back to the 3 seats, bench like style. I picture that the perfect spot for changing diapers when we are driving across country or even a chance to be separated in both kids want to sit in the 2 single seats. Then Brandon brought to my attention that Saturn outlook. It is a large SUV and has seats that can be maneuvered anyway you like so I have been told. I have not test driven any of them nor looked at them except on the Internet. This is a big purchase for us and will have the car for a long time. We are putting a lot of research into our next car. All three cars cost pretty much the same, the vans may end up being a little more costly in the end. All three have the same gas mileage (which is horrible... 24 mpg highway / 16 mpg city), that is not what I want to see with gas prices so high. I don't know which way to lean. Of course, we will test drive first and go from there but what do you guys think. First pictured is the Saturn Outlook, second is the Honda Odyssey, and finally the third is the Toyota Sienna.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I have such WONDERFUL friends. When birthday's come along, that is your day. It is not Christmas or Valentines day where everyone calls and wishes you Merry Christmas. Those who love you think of you and help you celebrate getting another year older. I love birthdays, not just mine... anyone's! Thank you to my wonderful friends who made my birthday special!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

14 weeks pregnant

I had my second doctor's appointment today. It was an important one... twins or not twins. The nurse determined for us that is is NOT twins. There is one little baby growing inside me and in in a month I will be able to tell you all if it is a boy or a girl, YIPEE!! Everything is looking fine and I think I am over the morning sickness! Here is a picture, (not mine), of what a fetus looks like at 14 weeks gestation.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Newest dilemma

Yeah, I have not written in AWHILE, for all 2 of you who read this, I know you missed my non-sense. I have been busy with various things but really when it comes time for Kayle's naps, I am wanting a nap too! Which I do now but I am waiting for clothes to dry. Anyways, I have a short story to share that left me clueless as to what to do. Kayle figured out how to get out of her crib! While trying to get her to take a nap last week, she managed to jump out of her crib, I have no clue how she did this!! I heard a thump and thought there is no way that was Kayle. Sure enough, it was! She was trying to open the door as I got to her room. I knew then that was the end of her crib. This weekend we converted her crib to a day bed (I highly suggest buying a crib that converts into a bed whenever you go to purchase your next crib) and she slept ok in it last night. I think I was expecting worse. She can get out of bed whenever she wants and now has an even stronger chance of winning at nap time. Which is why I see her on the couch as I write. I am not quite sure how to get her to stay in the her bed! I need supernanny to help me.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Potty training

Since I am pregnant it is my goal to potty train Kayle before the baby is born. I bought a potty and books for her and started showing her how everything works. Then I realized that I will be traveling soon and maybe I should wait until we get back to really start. Well, my smart little girl is really starting to figure it out. This morning I was sitting at the computer and Kayle was in her room reading a book. All of a sudden I heard the toilet flush. I walk in there expecting to see something floating in the toilet that she just tried to flush. Instead, I find poop on the seat and handle!!! I don't want to get mad because she is doing something very good. So I ignore the mess and tell her to wash her hands and give her a high five for the good job she just did. I continue to clean up the mess as she goes back to her book. I walk into her room looking for the place she pooped, (I left her naked). It is no where to be found. I think to myself she had to have pooped somewhere on the floor and then picked it up and brought it to the toilet. I found NO traces! I think she walked to the bathroom knowing she had to go and instead of going in her toilet she pooped in her hand and then flushed it :) Funny I know but that is the only thing I can come up with. I think she is ready and I will work with the traveling issue. Here is to a successful potty training!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My little apple seed

That image is a picture of what is inside me... maybe creepy to some but it just fascinates me how things progress from week to week during a pregnancy. I want to share with everyone else who might be just as curious as I am! But when I look at this picture and I also read that our 'baby' is the size of an apple seed, I kinda freak out. I want to do everything in my power to protect my seed and make sure it grows correctly and stays healthy. Having a baby is a scary thing. Even with a second baby I feel no different. I always thought how could I love anything as much as I love Kayle and even though this baby isn't here at, I already love it as much as I love Kayle. Weird I guess, it really is nothing yet.
Ok, now my second point I have to make about this seed... It is making me get a pudgy stomach already. I am kinda mad at it! I feel like I already look like I did with Kayle when I was 3 or 4 months pregnant. I have read that sometimes with your second one you will show earlier than you did with your first one. I remember with Kayle I couldn't wait to get into maternity clothes but I really want to stay out of them for as long as possible this time around. Now that might come sooner than I think. ERRRR.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Praise the Lord!

Kayle ate broccoli tonight!!!! Excited moment at the dinner table tonight.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Deceptively Delicious

For Christmas I received a cookbook called Deceptively Delicious. It has recipes the "hides" the veggies most kids hate to eat. The other night I made macaroni and Cheese with squash in it. It was really good, the best part was Kayle ate it. I have made banana bread with cauliflower, burger and meatloaf with carrots, and chocolate chip cookies with chick peas. ALL have been great. I highly suggest this cookbook for anyone that has trouble with veggies :)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

36 weeks to go...

Kayle is going to have a little brother or sister! We just found out about a week ago that I am pregnant! We immediaetly went through the emotions... excited, scared, nervous, anxious, and then back to nervous. This was planned so it wasn't a shock to see what that little stick said but reading the word "pregnant" threw me a bit. I honestly didn't expect to see it. Brandon was playing with Kayle on our bed and I just looked at it expecting nothing and I read "PREGNANT" with the most shocking voice I could. We looked at Kayle and started laughing and she smiled. I thought, ok I can do this!

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Jumping Monkey

Yesterday we went to a place called The Jumping Monkey. It is an inflatable play area that is intended for kids ages 0-9. It is great, 1 hour of jumping cost $5. I love to watch Kayle roam around on new toys and explore a new territory. What is even better is when I go to places like this and Brandon comes with us. I can sit back and watch the two of them play. Nothing beats that... The joy of watching a father who loves his daughter so much that he will get into the inflatable area and jump and go down slides with her! It is such a joy to watch! Thank goodness for places like this, I am always looking for places to take Kayle when it is cold outside. We get so tired of going to the same places over and over. It was nice to go do something new!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Date Night!

Thanks to Zoe, Brandon and I went out alone! After seriously thinking about it, we realized it had been almost a year since we went out just the 2 of us. Our anniversary is coming up so I wanted to do something special. I bought tickets to see Blue Man Group. If you have never seen this show, you have to see it. I can't even think of how to explain it, it is just cool. Anyways, when parents go out on a date you try to relax and not think about your child. I know that sounds awful but it is a time for the both of you to relax and enjoy the company. I think Brandon and I really enjoyed ourselves and knew Kayle was in good hands, I hardly thought of Kayle. I love her to death, I promise!! It was just nice to have a evening with my husband!! Anyways, go see Blue Man Group, great for all ages!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Movies, Movies, Movies....

Having a child is challenging sometimes. I can vaguely remember those days of relaxing and doing things around the house whenever I wanted to do them. Now I do little things here and there to keep a clean house. I think this is where movies came in. When Kayle was younger I put a movie in that kept her attention so I could have 30 minutes to myself and get something done.

After months of doing that, the movies have expanded to much longer movies and now I fear that she is spending to much time in front of the TV. It irritates me because I don't want her to watch a lot of TV, some is fine but I see so much in the news about obese children and not getting enough exercise. That is constantly in the back of my mind. However, I do enjoy it because I love to relax and watch a movie with her sometimes so it is nice to cuddle on the couch and watch one together. Yes, she actually sits on the couch and watches a movie with me! BUT only if it is one of her favorites such as Finding Nemo or The Jungle Book! Kayle has become obsessed with those two and we watch them at least 3 times a day! That is not good. How do I break this? It is something she enjoys doing, that is my dilemma this week. She also knows how to operate the DVD player her self! Yesterday I watched her put the DVD in on the wrong side, she realized it wasn't right and flipped it over then pushed the correct button to close the door. She knows I do something to the TV to get the movie to show. I am worried once she figures that out she wont need me anymore. Babies are smart! Do not ever under estimate what a 19 month old can do!! O h yeah, and her new favorite thing to say is "Uh Oh". SO cute!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Feeding a picky child

So Kayle is extremely picky and also has to take medicine for an acid reflux. FUN. She goes through periods of eating certain things at a time. For instance, she used to only eat cheese and grapes. Now she really only wants oranges and pretzels, oh yeah and anything with ranch but tons of ranch! Well, yesterday at lunch time Kayle wanted another orange and Brandon and I said no, (Well actually I said no, I can't blame my husband for this one), but I gave her potato chips instead of an orange. I thought, she is eating something different and then Brandon said, "We just gave her chips instead of an orange". Yup, that is kinda messed up I guess.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Wow, I am blogging

After reading blogs from some friends I have decided I like reading blogs, maybe my life is interesting for other people to read about too. I don't know, I guess I'll let you decide. I have 1 daughter who I love dearly and cannot wait to have another one but when sh lays down for her nap, it is the best time! I can sit on the couch and unwind and watch a movie or clean and pay bills... normal house keeping stuff. However, there are times when I feel like doing something different. I guess this is where the idea for blogging came. We'll see where it leads me and what I write about. Happy reading :)