I am towards the end of the pregnancy already! Well, kinda... I am past the half way mark. I am now 24 weeks pregnant, crazy how fast time goes by! Brandon and I have finally started thinking about what the new baby needs. We need to get a new stroller, again, I feel like I just got a new one for Kayle! We also need to rearrange some furniture and get Kayle a new bed! Anyways, that is besides the point, kinda. The new baby, Mckenna :), is weighing in at approx. 1 pound. She has all her organs and at this point will continue to gain weight and make progress on her ever changing body. She is also beginning to open her eyelids and her brain is starting to develop reflexes. This is the most amazing thing in the world to me and I just love to share it! I looked online for some good images and had a hard time. These are two that I found interesting.

I am awful at trying to make the pictures look perfect but you get that idea. I decided to put a picture up of how Mckenna looks in me, weird to some, interesting to others maybe. Sorry if I have grossed you out :) Mckenna is on the bottom of my uterus and the placenta is on the top so I get kicked in really interesting places :) It is uncomfortable at times but at least I feel the movement. That is something I look forward to feeling for a few reasons but mainly I like knowing that she is still alive. Hopefully these next few months go as well my previous months went!
Yay!!!!!! :) Maybe spelling wise it has to do with the "c" I have seen Mckenna also spelled Makenna. *shrugs* I love the name though :). I look forward to meeting her :)
I love the name; I can't believe she is going to be here before we know it. Back to Zoe's message my friend spells it Makenna, so I'm never gonna get it right but I will try. Did you decide on a middle name?
I love hearing about what you are going through, it is so cool! I love the name... It is Hawaiian, look it up.... There is a Makena Beach in Maui. You could spell it that way too.
However you spell it, its cute!
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