I think I have reached that magical number in pregnancy where I realized how little time is left in my pregnancy. I have 8 weeks left til my due date which means I could have this baby in as little as 6 weeks. That is REALLY soon. I am really excited and ready though.
My Mom was here visiting for 2 weeks and during that time she helped me prepare for things and get my mind on track. Kayle now has a big girl room which is super cute!

During her visit, Brandon and I also toured the hospital where I will be delivering at this time. Different doctor means different hospital :( Brandon said the hospital tour was what made it real for him. I am carrying this big belly around, I know it is real! Anyways, we have Kayle's room finished and we put together the crib and placed it in our room and made a baby area. Our closet was taken over too... big changes for such a little addition but SO worth it.
Now that I am 32 weeks pregnant, Makenna weighs around 3 pounds and continues to grow everyday. She is starting to practice her breathing and her constant flipping around has seemed to slow down slightly although she is still a very active baby! She is comfortable really low and almost in my back pretty much. That makes for very uncomfortable days and walking. I think I definitely have the waddle walk with this pregnancy. BUT again, all this pain and interrupted sleep is SO worth it!!
Her new room is SOOOO cute!!!! I cannot wait to meet Makenna. Remember tell me if you want a baby shower :) I will plan it. I already have some gifts in the closet lined up for the newest Castle. :)
Oh I'm so excited...I can't believe it is really only 8 more weeks. Yea!! I love the new room, it looks adorable. I wish I was there...
LEAH!! The new room is so cute! Good job! I am sure Kayle loves it. Makenna will be here so soon! Take it easy though, and take care!
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