Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Out of the mouth of a toddler

Brandon and I took the kids to the park the other day because it was fairly nice outside and we wanted to do something that didn't cost money! So, we went to the Dennis the Menace Park. Kayle loves it there, they don't have typical park things. There is a huge train to climb, a rolling slide, and a huge bridge to cross. The last thing Kayle wanted to do was cross the bridge. So, Brandon went out first and then Kayle started to go. Brandon all of a sudden starts running and jumping, basically freaking Kayle out! All of a sudden, Kayle yells, "STOP YOU IDIOT!!!" While that is not a bad word, it is not something we want her to be saying to people. She was clearly scared but we felt that was unnecessary.

That was not the first time she said a not so good word. She called something stupid once and it about nearly broke my heart. Now we try to work on saying silly instead of stupid. I need to remember that my 3 year old is listening to EVERYTHING I am saying. It may seem 'silly' to some that we are scared for our daughter to be saying these words which are harmless but maybe we want to still hold on to some innocence! Also, she should not be calling us idiot! We laugh about it now but then,not so funny.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New herbal medicine

I have never been one to try herbal remedies but after months of being sick I am trying something new. I started Makenna on WishGarden herbs cough and cold for children and she all of a sudden in doing better. It smells nasty and she doesn't really like it but I force it down because I think it is doing something for her. Today, I went back to the pharmacy to get something for myself because I have a sinus infection! I finished my last dose of antibiotics yesterday but still feel crummy. I looked into the WishGarden products and found a herbal medicine specifically for sinus infections and upper respiratory problems. The wellness practitioner that I was talking to also suggested probiotics to help. We will see if it helps!!! I am sick of being sick and I want to be back to normal, whatever that is.

The website is www.wishgardenherbs.com and it has a lot of different things to offer for general health, pregnancy, and even a tone of children's herbs that range from colic to teething help. I seriously recommend it to anyone looking for different ways to get healthy after a cold or cough or just general well being. (I was recommended this product by a pharmacist and the wellness practitioner!)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

month of germs

Pardon my absence for the past month. Makenna, Kayle, and I were sick practically the whole month of November. Actually, I think we were sick towards the end of October, it is all beginning to blend together. We have all been to the Doctor several times it seems like. Definitely catching up on my quota for seeing the Doctor!

It started with Makenna, she had a cough that wouldn't go away, then Kayle started coughing, sneezing and had a yucky nose. Makenna went into the Doctor for her well baby visit and that was when I found out she had bronchiolitis. Basically it causes her to wheeze, the medicine they gave me did nothing. She went back into the Doctor and they said to try Benedryl, that too has done nothing.

The weeks went on and suddenly Kayle is not acting happy and barely eating a thing. I took her into the Doctor to find out she had an ear infection and bronchitis. That meant 10 days of antibiotics... UGHHHHHH... this is not easy, even the good bribes wouldn't work. Somehow, we made our quota each day and she finished the antibiotics! I think she is doing much better, still coughing but it sounds better.

Meanwhile, I was coughing and coughing and feeling horrible. I went into my Doctor and after chest xrays they determined I had pleurisy. That is an infection of the fluid that lines the lungs and rib area. Painful breathing problem and coughing problem. So, I got put on antibiotics too.

Somehow Brandon has not gotten sick through all of this (knock on wood), I hope he doesn't. That also leads me to believe that there are a few scenarios to why just the girls are sick.... A) something in the house is affecting us, possibly a hidden mold problem. B) We are not use to the moist conditions like Brandon is (he grew up in the bay area). C) It is allergies. I wish I knew so I could make everyone feel better.

I hope December brings us a healthy mind and body!

Makenna is starting a new herbal medicine that will hopefully help her cough!! We will see...