Brandon and I took the kids to the park the other day because it was fairly nice outside and we wanted to do something that didn't cost money! So, we went to the Dennis the Menace Park. Kayle loves it there, they don't have typical park things. There is a huge train to climb, a rolling slide, and a huge bridge to cross. The last thing Kayle wanted to do was cross the bridge. So, Brandon went out first and then Kayle started to go. Brandon all of a sudden starts running and jumping, basically freaking Kayle out! All of a sudden, Kayle yells, "STOP YOU IDIOT!!!" While that is not a bad word, it is not something we want her to be saying to people. She was clearly scared but we felt that was unnecessary.
That was not the first time she said a not so good word. She called something stupid once and it about nearly broke my heart. Now we try to work on saying silly instead of stupid. I need to remember that my 3 year old is listening to EVERYTHING I am saying. It may seem 'silly' to some that we are scared for our daughter to be saying these words which are harmless but maybe we want to still hold on to some innocence! Also, she should not be calling us idiot! We laugh about it now but then,not so funny.