Thursday, September 25, 2008

One step closer

Kayle has begun sitting on the toilet just to get use to the feeling and today she finally made some progress! She peed!!! I was so excited and so was she, we ran to the kitchen and she got her treat. We have been talking about her sucker for weeks now. She knew what she had to do to get it and she was so proud of herself. I gave her the sucker and told her why she was getting it and and she exclaimed with such joy, "YES!!". I am so proud of my little girl, I can only hope it continues now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I am a mom

Last night Kayle pooped in the bath tub. I remained calm while Brandon freaked out and grabbed Kayle and escaped. I was left in there trying to get the stuff out of the tub. Washcloths were not working so I grabbed poop with my bare hands and flushed it down the toilet. Yes, I am truly a mom.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

32 Weeks

I think I have reached that magical number in pregnancy where I realized how little time is left in my pregnancy. I have 8 weeks left til my due date which means I could have this baby in as little as 6 weeks. That is REALLY soon. I am really excited and ready though.

My Mom was here visiting for 2 weeks and during that time she helped me prepare for things and get my mind on track. Kayle now has a big girl room which is super cute!
During her visit, Brandon and I also toured the hospital where I will be delivering at this time. Different doctor means different hospital :( Brandon said the hospital tour was what made it real for him. I am carrying this big belly around, I know it is real! Anyways, we have Kayle's room finished and we put together the crib and placed it in our room and made a baby area. Our closet was taken over too... big changes for such a little addition but SO worth it.
Now that I am 32 weeks pregnant, Makenna weighs around 3 pounds and continues to grow everyday. She is starting to practice her breathing and her constant flipping around has seemed to slow down slightly although she is still a very active baby! She is comfortable really low and almost in my back pretty much. That makes for very uncomfortable days and walking. I think I definitely have the waddle walk with this pregnancy. BUT again, all this pain and interrupted sleep is SO worth it!!