Monday, October 26, 2009

Pacifier VS. thumb

I have touched on this topic before and it has been on my mind lately so I thought I would share my thoughts! For any of you mothers to be or curious readers out there I feel the need to express the difference between them, for me there is a huge difference.

Kayle sucked her thumb AND still does at 3 1/2 years old. She never took a pacifier or had any sort of interest in it. Makenna took to the pacifier right away and is not real dependent on it but does enjoy it for nap time and bed time. The easiest way for me is to list pros and cons of each, so here you go!

-Easier to get rid of (So I hear)

-Once they fall out of the mouth they drop down to the dirty floor
-They can get lost a lot easier
-at night time it is hard to keep track of them

-Attached to your hand so it cannot get lost
-Child does not loose it at night therefore easier to get the sucking sensation needed

-Harder habit to break
-Teeth are starting to protrude

Ok, so I know that is not a lot of pros and cons, however that is all I can think of at the moment and those are very important points! What I am leading to is that Makenna has been sick a lot more than Kayle was as a baby and I do believe it is because of the pacifier. One other point and a very important one at that, is that Kayle slept great and had no problem self soothing herself back to sleep. She knew where her thumb was and when she wanted comfort she didn't have to cry and scream and wait for me to come in and find it for her. Lets be honest, that wouldn't have happened! Makenna sleeps horribly and I will blame it on that darn pacifier. I guess you can see what I lean towards.

*I have tried to add images of pacifiers that we use but I have no clue how to right click and save things with this mouse. Sorry for the lack of images :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pet peeves

Here is just a list of the things that irritate me (for those who care ):

-Parents who let their kids roam around freely (I know they have no clue where their kids are)
-Parents who let their kids damage other peoples stuff
-Kids who are rude... there is a lot of them out in the world!
-Slow drivers
-People who try to take advantage of you
-Salesmen who use your kids to try to get to you