Wednesday, September 30, 2009

new post on the new comp.

We broke down at forked out the cash and bought ourselves a fancy new imac. We both are loving it and agree with all the good things everyone says about these computers. I am so thankful that we were able to purchase one, Brandon was getting aggravated with our old laptop that was serving as his homework tool. I am hoping that this will better serve his needs :)

It is already October 1st! Makenna will be one year old in one month! I cannot believe how fast time has flown by. I thought for sure she would be walking by now but still nothing. Although she might as well be. She moves fast and gets into everything. When she crawls, she crawls with a mission, it is funny. Her little legs move so fast and her arms are right there helping. So cute! Anyways, time to get moving... she is actually napping right now and I need to take advantage of this time!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kids really are worth it!

I try to write about different things other than about my kids but it is so hard when that is what I do everyday. It is my joy and my life! I would not trade it for anything!! Kayle is reaching a funny age. She is saying extremely funny things and showing her personality. She is also showing me that she is very independent, very much like her father! Last night she wanted to go to bed by herself! I was amazed when she asked to do it by herself. I sometimes still feel like she is a baby and I need to do things for her. She can go to the bathroom by herself just fine but I still feel the need to help her. I just need to relax and step back and let her grow :(

Makenna is dependent right now obviously but I wonder what she will be like at 3. I don't really want to think about that though... ahhhh. Speaking of Makenna, I am trying to get her to nap right now and she is just screaming. She keeps pulling herself up in her crib and stands there crying, scared, because she can't get down. This is the tough stage, when they start to explore more and there is no way to stop it for bed time and nap time. Then she drops her pacifier on the floor and cries over that... this is when thumbs are good! Pros and cons over pacifiers and thumbs, but that is another post sometime.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tiny steps

I just watched Makenna try to take her first step. I was sitting on the floor with her and she was standing at our ottoman and was trying to get to the couch, which is maybe a foot away. For her I am sure it is a mile away. She kept letting go of the ottoman and trying to reach for the couch. Again and again she would do this and jabbering away while she did it. It was cute to watch her try and figure out if she could do it. Then suddenly she went for it and down she went, face first into our rug.

I think she is almost to the point of walking! She has only been crawling for about a week but she is ready to run and play with Kayle. They are growing up way too fast!

P.S. We have a horrible connection with our wireless so photo uploads are on a brief hiatus until I put them on a cd, in case you were missing recent photos :)