That image is a picture of what is inside me... maybe creepy to some but it just fascinates me how things progress from week to week during a pregnancy. I want to share with everyone else who might be just as curious as I am! But when I look at this picture and I also read that our 'baby' is the size of an apple seed, I kinda freak out. I want to do everything in my power to protect my seed and make sure it grows correctly and stays healthy. Having a baby is a scary thing. Even with a second baby I feel no different. I always thought how could I love anything as much as I love Kayle and even though this baby isn't here at, I already love it as much as I love Kayle. Weird I guess, it really is nothing yet.
Ok, now my second point I have to make about this seed... It is making me get a pudgy stomach already. I am kinda mad at it! I feel like I already look like I did with Kayle when I was 3 or 4 months pregnant. I have read that sometimes with your second one you will show earlier than you did with your first one. I remember with Kayle I couldn't wait to get into maternity clothes but I really want to stay out of them for as long as possible this time around. Now that might come sooner than I think. ERRRR.